GD 492: Special Topics in Graphic Design – European Design History
Instructor: Vojtěch Märc
Credits: 3
GEP: Elective
Course Description
History of product and interior design related to architecture of old continent in 12 lessons. The course will present timeline of design thinking and styles development of the last 150 years in important countries and centers around Europe. Each lesson brings complex and acknowledged survey of significant tendencies in design history. Through the examples of pioneers and significant persons in the industry, the course will describe how design and its disciplines were developed during the 20th century. Through the course, we want to understand design history from the contemporary point of view, showing ways how curators and writers present history in the recent projects, too.
Learning Outcomes
Students should get general overview of the history of European design related to art, culture, economic and social responsibility.
As for the development of students’ skills, emphasis is to be given to the presentation of rich visual materials and ability to recognize main styles and work of the most important designers and architects.