Returning Home
Returning home after studying abroad can be unexpectedly challenging.
Dealing With Reverse Culture Shock
Returning to NC State and the United States from Prague can be challenging after the initial excitement of being back home. Readjusting to being home may be as difficult as adjusting to life in the Czech Republic when you first arrived. The following resources will help you transition and make the most of your study abroad experience in Prague.
Returning home after studying abroad can be unexpectedly challenging and complex. This re-entry period is referred to as Reverse Culture Shock. Life back home after an intense time living abroad will require some adjustment. Even though you haven’t left NC State, you have deeply immersed yourself in the Czech culture and grown your independence. Your cross-cultural experience may have changed your perspectives, world views and values. As much as you have changed, your home also has changed. Some of you may not find it hard to return, and some might experience various stress levels. This experience, as your study abroad experience in Prague, will be unique to you. Do not hesitate to reach out to NC State Prague staff for support.
Below are resources to prepare yourself for re-entry and help you to cope with readjusting to being back home:
- Tips to Overcome Reverse Culture Shock
- Listen to the Experience of other Returnees
- Exercises to Get Ready to Return Home
- Post-Study Abroad Depression
- NC State Counseling Resources
Re-adjusting to being back home is a slow process, spanning several weeks to a few months. The most important is to give yourself the time to go through it.
Continuing your Czech Experience
Your cultural learning journey did not end with your return to the US. There are many ways to stay connected to your experience in Prague while still moving forward:
Cook your favorite Czech Dish
Food is a great way to share your Prague experience and memories. Cook your favorite Czech meal for your family and friends. For example, you can add Czech traditions to your yearly rituals, painting eggs at Easter. If you need some Czech recipes, check the blog of the cooking classes instructor!
Keep your Czech Language Going
Some of you started the DuoLingo app before coming to Prague. Carry on with it!
Stay Socially Engaged with NC State Prague
Check out what NC State Prague is up to, and keep following us on social media. It will keep those memories alive! Instagram | FaceBook | YouTube | LinkedIn
Be a Multicultural Person
Seek out situations in which your international experiences and perspectives will be valued. You can be involved in helping out at international events on campus, in Study Abroad fairs, and many others.
Go Abroad Again
Why not go abroad again? There are many opportunities to do internships, grade level programs abroad. If you are ready for a big jump, you can return to Prague and do a postgraduate degree at a Czech university or come to work!
You are a now a Prague Alumn!
Join the Prague LinkedIn Alumni Network
Making the Most of Your Experience
Take Time to Reflect and List your New Competencies
While in Prague, you have gained plenty of marketable competencies. Which skills did you develop while finding your way around Prague and mastering the local public transport – flexibility, maturity, and initiative? Did you improve your Czech while shopping for groceries? Listing your new and improved skills will boost your confidence.
Add NC State Prague to your LinkedIn profile in the Education section, and highlight the classes you took and your new competencies.
Make your Resume Shine
Highlighting your new competencies and articulating concrete examples in your resume will set you apart from the crowd. It probably sounds easy, but it can get tricky when getting down to it.
Prague Alumni Events to Come!
Stay tuned for future Prague Alumni Events, either online or in person!